Thursday, July 12, 2007

One of the speciality in life is to learn what other people are thinking. This could come handy at times but again could really makes you dull and sad as well. When you start seeing that people around you how they are either being jealous or over zealous or over clever or outsmart you with nasty acts of theirs then one wonders what a mess this life is. A man when he gets sad and is overshadowed by the worries of his personal life, I believe could still come out of it eventually but when you see that its because of what other people are doing that is making you feed bad. At times this is not directly done to you but just seeing that happening angers you. This sort of people behavior is the one that really makes the heart dull and sad and even though you may be happy within yourself of what you got and how you have been doing, you just forget all that and start to wonder Why Why Why. And sometimes you really hope and wish that they have not done or shown this to you or there was way you could run away from all these stupids around you.

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