Sunday, September 05, 2010

The biggest losing trade a man can do is to move away from his mother. For career or for studies or for any reason. There is just no justification or reason that could make this trade worth it.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

What is love....
How do I claim the feeling of love. Lets say if I say I love my mother but have not spoken to her in months. Have not givien her a single glass of water or medicine I don't know how her night and day goes by I don't know if she has slept well night before or not I have not spent an eid festival with her in lat ten years and so on and on and I still say I love her so what is love then. and how could it be love and what kind of love it is if it is love. Seither I don't love her although I claim I do or I don't know what is love.